Taking photographs of newborn babies is very loveable. It's my hobby to take pictures of all things but I love to take photographs of newborn baby most. Sometimes capturing a tiny baby so fresh and new is scary. Here I explained some tips for photographing newborn babies.

Click with your heart: If your photographs are not perfect technically then don’t worry about that. Some pictures that taken by me wrong but they look too good. So, click any type of image that you say and it will be so awesome.

Go black and white: Nowadays, the trend of color photography is too much higher than black and white. But no one can beat a classic and timeless black and white photography. Usually newborn baby’s skin can be a little bit splotched or red which hides in black and white. B&W photography worked here perfectly.
Take one shot you can’t live without: Every session includes the classic hand shot for me. I love the pose that baby is sleeping on the hand of his father.
Enjoy the sleepy hands: When a newborn baby is sleeping they are looking like angels. You can easily move the baby for any pose. And you can also put him/her in props. This type of photography looks so sweet.
Stock up on a variety of fabrics and blankets: Take one blanket or fabrics and cover a baby with it. You can also like to have several basic solids on hand of color black, white or of your any favorite baby color.
Are you searching for a baby photographer in Chicago? Then refer Ideal Moment Photography. They give very good services. And they specialize in baby photography.   
It can be so much fun to have newborn baby photography. But it is also really difficult to take photographs of newborn babies. It is a beautiful and special shoot and newborn baby photography for me is about capturing the beauty, innocence and the absolute love between baby and parents.

Here are some of the equipments I have used along the way.

Background stand: It was designed particularly with the on-location newborn baby photographer in mind. My advice is that if you are buying a background stand exclusively for newborn photography to buy from Amazon.

Blankets: When you are doing a newborn photo shoot I suggest having a blanket. I always use two blanket one colored and other light neutral colored. Just be sure it doesn’t fold easily.
Lightning Equipments: I am using a double umbrella. It is a semitransparent umbrella and white reflective or silver umbrella taped with it at the ends of the stem. I also work with the natural light where I have to go for a photo shoot.
When you are doing baby photography you have to keep in mind some tips like you have to use soft lights, try to avoid studio flash with babies under 3 months old, on behalf of that try to utilize natural light. Make a comfortable, soft and safe environment and also make sure that there is no hard object or surfaces for the baby to get hurt with.

For more information about newborn baby photography visit www.idealmomentphotography.com

Recently I was participating in interview of leading photographers from different industries, with different levels of expertise, on how they gained their success. They provided great insights how to get started, the tools they use and tips to becoming a better photographer. They give helpful tips is beneficial for all photographers, professional and especially those who are starting out.

There are many types of photography like family, baby photography, wedding, nature, wildlife, landscape etc. I am specializing in newborn baby photography. Professionals also give us advice that we should shoot anyone that we know, be open to shoot all types of photography, they also added that persistence and dedication are the two essential attributes that any photographer needs when starting off.

Most of the photographers use Light room software that provides an inclusive set of digital photography tools, survey says that 95% of photographer use Light room and remaining 5% are using Photoshop. These both software are developed and published by the Adobe system. Photoshop is a leading digital image editing program for print, internet and other types of new media.

Nowadays, we can see many types of cameras in the market like Canon, Nikon, Panasonic, Lumix, Mamiya, Hasselblad etc. But Nikon and Canon cameras are popular and are used widely because of their features, functionality and price. The number of users using both these cameras are equal. Other cameras are also used by many people but the professionals are partial to Nikon or Canon.

In the early days, we used films for photography. But nowadays, in digital photography’s trend no one uses those films for photography.
I gained much knowledge from those experts. And it helps to grow my business baby photography in Chicago.
Lets discuss about photography. Nowadays, photography is a very common thing. It is a great way to capture your memories. People are hiring a professional photographer for each and every occasion. In present day everyone had a camera and can take pictures. But anyone know what the photography means? It is a science, art and practice of capturing long lasting images by recording lights, either of a photographic film or image sensor.
Best friend of photographer’s is light. If you have more light, you will get better picture easily. The three ways of manipulating the amount of light captured.

  • Aperture
  • Shutter Speed
  • ISO

The image sensor is the heart of all digital cameras. It is a device which converts light to digital photos. Its size is far more important than megapixel count. The aperture decides how parallel the admitted rays are, which is important for the appearance of the image plane. The aperture of a photographic lens adapted to operate the amount of light reaching the film or image sensor. Shutter speed consider with the aperture of the lens decides the amount of light that reaches the film or sensor. It is one of the various methods used to control the amount of light taped by the camera’s digital sensor or film. It is also used to control the visual effects of the final image on the other side its luminosity. ISO is a standardized setting for sensor sensitivity. The reduced the number the less delicate your camera is to light and the better the grain. Normally in darker situations to get faster shutter speed higher ISO settings are used. Different digital cameras employ different management techniques to modify capturing factors, but the most important is the control dial. The dial generally has scene modes which are presented for specific scenes. There is also an auto mode, in which the camera makes all decisions, but they are often unreliable in difficult shooting conditions.

Photography is my passion and I am also a professional photographer specialized in newborn baby photography.